Read Exodus 17:8-16, Deuteronomy 25:17-19, 1 Peter 5:6-9
- The Old Testament’s account of the Amalekites illustrates the spiritual reality of the battle that we Christians face and must prepare for. What is the enemy’s strategy to capture its prey? Who does the enemy go after?
- “When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and cut off all who were lagging behind.” (Deut 25:18) The Israelites’ weariness, being worn out, lagging behind speaks to the spiritual condition that made them vulnerable to attack by the enemy. And, the context of their weariness and being worn out was that they complained and grumbled against God and doubted God who delivered and provided for them numerous times. How does the attitude of complaining, grumbling, doubting make you lag behind? Share the nature of the spiritual battles you face?
- When the Israelites rallied around the concerted effort to raise up the banner (Moses’ raised up hand and the staff), they were winning. What would it look like for you to declare God’s name, Yahweh Nissi, “The LORD is my Banner,” and come rally around the LORD? And, how would it affect your spiritual outcome?
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