Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

Yesterday, I had it! As I was putting one of my daughters into her car seat, she began yelling really loud. What was she yelling about? Well, I don't remember. What I remember was this unsettled feeling in me, "I don't like the way she is talking to me." Her yelling began with, "I WANT THIS...", "I NEED THIS..." After I got her to calm down, I had a little talk with her. I told her that when she yelled and demanded me to meet her need and want, I didn't feel like listening to her! I told her that the right way, the better way to talk to me would be to simply ask for what she wanted or needed. Why? I told her that I wanted to bless her, do what was good for her, and to help her if I can. I was asking her to trust me that I wanted to genuinely help her. I wanted her to know that she didn't need to yell, demand, grumble to get what she wanted or needed from me. All she had to do was to simply trust me and ask me.

When I read Psalm 46 this morning, I began to think about how I am a lot like my little child. I don't yell at God much, but in little troubles that I face, I sure do grumble a lot and carry this attitude that I deserve better. "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." I easily forget that God's heart is to help, genuinely be my aid, my protection, my provider, my strength, not just yesterday, but right now in ever-present moments. I don't need to fuss, yell, grumble, manipulate God to help me when I am in trouble. Verse 7 says, "The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress." Ever-present, God Immanuel, God with us... to help us to live the best life he has for us.

It is a humbling experience trying to train my children in God's way. So often, what I try to teach them are the very things God wants me to learn... Lord, train me to trust you deeper that you are God, ever-present help in trouble!

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